DreamGirls’ programming focuses on inspiring middle school girls by showing them what actual STEM careers look like.
DreamGirls showcases female professionals in meaningful and fun careers who use STEM principles every day.
STEM careers are among the fastest growing and pay the highest wages. (U.S. Department of Commerce)
Why Girls?
Although women fill close to half the jobs in the U.S., they hold less than 25% of STEM jobs . This trend has remained unchanged during the last decade. (U.S. Department of Labor, 2014)
Why Middle School?
In elementary school, girls express equal interest in STEM compared to boys, yet lose interest in middle school. The waning interest can be attributed to many reasons, yet often, girls envision STEM careers as boring, individual, and not making an impact on what they care about: making a difference in the world and helping people. If more girls learn that STEM careers can still achieve their goals to help and serve, more girls will choose STEM.
Why DreamGirls?
The mission of DreamGirls is to spark an interest in rewarding careers, and then show how STEM can lead you there. The majority of girls seek to make a difference in the world and to help people (Girl Scouts). Schools and other organizations are starting to focus more on STEM education, yet girls need to understand that STEM careers are a way to make their dreams come true.
DreamGirls in Action
Hands-On one day workshops featuring women in STEM careers.
Dream Day Workshops
Out of School program showcasing a different career at each meeting.
A Message from Our Founder:
It's hard to imagine that the percentage of women entering engineering now is not that much different than when I started college in the 1980's.
I went to Purdue University and got both my Bachelor's and Master's degree in Chemical Engineering. I worked in the consumer products industry on products ranging from diapers to frozen pizza. I loved the work I was doing, yet it always surprised me to hear people ask what a chemical engineer does for a food or consumer products company.
The more I talked to people, the more I realized that many people don't know how versatile an engineering career is. Even within the broader fields of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM), there is still a very limited view of what those careers involve. With that in mind, I set out to build a program that allows young women to see where STEM can take them.
Professionals in STEM are creating the future in just about every area that affects our lives. They are dreaming of new ways to travel, produce energy, communicate, and make our lives easier - things that affect all of us equally. Shouldn't we, as women, be equally involved in where those discoveries take us?
Not everyone will want to pursue a STEM career, but every person should know what opportunities are available to them. And every one should know that a STEM career is a perfect way to make their dreams for a better world a reality.
Rashmi Drummond
Rashmi Drummond
Morgan Bleakley
Alexandrea Dunkelberger
Gihan Oraby
Charlene Yauch